Sunday, September 14, 2008

danny's book & my entry...

Ok, fist thing that I said when I received glix's book was... ok, I couldn't say anything, cause the work he made in it is absolutely stunning. It left me spechless till the next day when I woke up, looked at it again and said "WOW.":)
It was really challenging for me to continue the artwork in the book, especially, cause I work mainly in black and white, and Danny's works are full of colours.
Let's just see what happens next... Robin, Are you ready?


r8r said...


Shat's the theme again? It looks like spaghetti!

r8r said...

Whoohoo! Got 'em!

The theme for one is 'Alice In Wonderland', and the theme for the other is 'Awkward Putrid'. I'm looking forward to working on these!

Hope everybody's making progress!


r8r said...

I've been working on Danny's 'Awkward Putrid'... turning the threads into EKG electrodes, snakes, and crazy people.

Expect to be done soon. Who does it go to next?


karolina said...

wow, that sounds great!
so, if you're finished with glix's moly, you can send it to janine:)

r8r said...

Janine -- please send me your address again! I lost the email you sent before!

Anonymous said...

will do!

r8r said...

Okay, mine's gone off to Janine in the Netherlands. Now I'm working on a moly with an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme. I think I'll do a Walrus & the Carpenter section...